ALBERT’S COOK HAUS TAKES YOU FAR BEYOND BAVARIA AND ALL AROUND THE ALPS. IT’S TIME TO DINE ALPINE   LIKE MANY GREAT THINGS our boundaries and influences are a little blurry but, as a young Angela Merkel once (never) put it to us, ‘If you’re jumping off a mountain who knows where you’re gonna land?’ Well in our case, (if we can … Continued

  One of the only two venues in Liverpool to Haus Pilsner Urquell Tankovna.    Pilsner Urquell is a child of both Bohemia and Bohemianism. The beer was born in the town of Plzeň (or Pilsen) in Bohemia, a land rich in both human and natural resources, which lies at the heart of what is … Continued

May 15, 2019


Not only will Albert’s Schenke be bringing a Bier Hall to the city of Liverpool, a Cook Haus is coming too.